Thursday, November 17, 2016

Lab 6 - Topo-bathy Applications


The goal of this lab was to get experience working with topo-bathy lidar data.


First, the data underwent some light QA/QC as some ground points were not well classified. After this was corrected, a shoreline breakline was created in ArcMap. This was then conflated. Next, a breakline was made of the unsubmerged topographical area.

Lastly, a DTM image was exported using the LAS data and the breaklines that were just created.


The image below shows the shoreline breakline that was created and conflated.

The image below shows the breakline that was created for the unsubmerged area.

The next images show the DTM image, followed by the hillshade image that was created.


Data obtained from Cyril Wilson for use in 358 LiDAR course.

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